Friday, April 27, 2007

Post a comment

There was a time, we could, on any issue, say with ease
No comments, that’s it, and there the matter would cease

Whats this rage now with commenting
Is it a war we are fomenting

A war of words, of sarcasm and wit,
Of ideas, of picking on every nit

(Microsoft word too wants its byte
As I am typing, it says- fragment, please revise)

Back and forth, criss and cross
In the virtual world, even a scrap gathers no moss

Doesn’t all this make life racier
Then why has my cousin singled me as a warrior


Minerva said...

No comments, I thot I'll write
I felt the need to comment despite.

No longer warrior I will call you
Bear with me, till I think of a name anew

Oh, hope you had a great b'day
Got lot of gifts, heavy that weigh

May for many more years you seek the answers to life,
And wish all the days of the years be arife.

(Rama insisted I come up with non sensical poetry..don't hold me responsible!)

Unknown said...

As you claim when u deviate from reality(though it is nice to take arguments in a diff direction)..the option of "no comments..that's it " becomes unavailable to u...

by the way my author is a warrior.?.i agree but i think it works warrior vs. warrior ..meaning Renu vs. Renu..
..just kiddin...with my little understanding i do not think anyone can beat the speaking against something

by the way mussafir hoon picture was nice is there link to see more pictures ?