Wednesday, May 11, 2011

writing needs leisure. but sometimes we need to write when there is no time. usually we write because the words simply flow out. but sometimes the swirling words get clogged and evaporate, and writing needs to be a process of unclogging and condensation. in these times of perpetual tension and writing blocks, of mounting deadlines and low productivity, where facebook one liners and the instant gratification therein seem to cover up the need for longer, more boring, mostly solitary excursions in public spaces- can i try write again?


Rama said...

You are writing and writing beautifully

xinnmarquez said...

You're simply great! Keep on blogging :') If you have time, please see also my blog. Godbless. <3

docdivatraveller said...

hey grt writing!! let me know if we can follow each other!!

Patryk But said...
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Unknown said...

Your blog is really amazing ;))

Unknown said...

Loved it!