Monday, August 20, 2007

Cry not baby

Just wondering whether crying is an act of instant dehydration.

When we see someone pouring their heart out before us, do they really squeeze it dry? Can we make out the outlines of the skeletal frame in the tear-racked body of even the most well rounded individual?

Yes? Next time someone is howling away I will tear my eyes off their face, what if they are crack, literally, while I am earnestly telling them its not so bad or worse, letting them lighten what I think, oh so mistakenly, is a heavy heart which as a delicious side-effect also cleans up and lubricates the eye. Ask those of us who suffer from dryness of eyes, we pay (an exorbitant amount at that) to cry.

No? Then why is the common instant response to anyone who cries before us to immediately scamper for and force down their mouths a glass of water?

(yeah I am back!)