Monday, August 11, 2008


Recently i had to go to the Bsnl office. now going to any consumer care related office (government or private) is not my idea of a good outing. i end up losing temper, getting frustrated about the system- the works. but bsnl seems to expect this attitude from customers, and since they cant change their way of functioning (for that would erase their very identity) they came up with a plan to cheer customers. lined up all along those old stairs and dreary corridors are slogans, all by the way on power saving. I think they had an in-house competition among the staff for this. (wonder what the prize was- a free phone connection? or a promise of a lifetime hassle free billing?) What a novel idea! engage the staff and make the customer smile- in one go. Some top guy has taken his refresher courses on personnel administration seriously. Anyway my favourites were:

Save one unit a day, keep power cut away!
Maximise Energy Conservation, Minimise Financial Implication!
When its bright, Switch off the light!

Hey come on, these do rhyme, dont they....