Saturday, August 19, 2006

what are memories all about

finally i decide to write. the gap between creating this blog and putting these words down probably explains much abt me. i want to do so much but mostly keep postponing them all. not that i am doing something very important but i do manage to push out the most important things away...
anyway to come back to what did actually make me start this...i was intrigued. not by the blog business actually. but by poeple's desire to be "back in touch" with older friends in their life. i was introduced to this group called orkut where one has communities of one's school and college aparrt from a mind-boggling variety of interests.a whole of people reported how they had got in touch with thier school mates, neighbours from old times...i got excited. i wanted to know whether there was any possibility of meeting up with some of my childhood friends, people i had lost contact with suddenly as i moved cities or even those who moved off after school. i was curious- what did become of them. but with this curiousity was linked another one- why this curiousity afterall? would i even make sense of these people if i met them now. what after we had updated each other(forget update, in most cases it would be almost a blank) would we have to say to each other. lives have meandered and changed many courses since. often leaving most of us in opposite banks of the tale. but we still seek to meet, to find out.
i think some of this is the power of memories. we all live with our memories and to connect to someone from the memory is a chance to liink up with our whole self all over again. perhaps i think there is some essetial me whcih has lived thru all this time and the possibilty to connect offers one a hope to find out that essense. of course the idea of an 'essence' is problematic, so in that sense it is good i havent really come across my older worlds. but the possibilty remains attractive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the space between us...? older worlds are best not revisited. even a diehard pessimist would say what have now is better than what we could have in our memories. memories of a beautiful bygone era are an illusion. a beautiful bygone era never existed, life sucked throughout