Tuesday, October 10, 2006

on a poem

by vikram seth

Across these miles i wish you well.
May nothing haunt your heart but sleep.
May you not sense what i dont tell.
May you not dream, or doubt, or weep.

May what my pen this peaceless day
Writes on this page not reach your view
Till its deferred print lets you say
It speaks to someone else than you.

I am not great with poetry but loved this one. but then had a long discussion on and dissection of this poem with a friend. he thought it glorified sacrifice and is an exercise in self-torture. for me it spoke of the quiet dignity of unrequited love. love is magic and often, love is pain, but it is also primarily about self. how we talk to ourselves when we are in love tells us a great deal about our own self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quiet dignity of unrequited love? aren't we asking for a little too much? hindi films are full of such 'dignified lovers'. they have not impressed me much.