Saturday, February 24, 2007

it doesn’t matter...(the other side)

it doesn’t matter
that we love each other
so much
however much

you don’t

hear me out
talk to me
take the time
try to understand
show you care
share in work

give me space
to do my own thing
and do my own nothing

treat me as an equal,
in deeds, not just in words

be a parent
not just the father

if you don’t value
all we have between us

you may love me ever so much
but this is what matters
our life not being thus is what shatters

and love
my love, your love, our love
cannot make up for it

love may never wear out, never die
we would perhaps be in love always

but it isn’t enough
for a life of togetherness
it just isn’t enough


Eye of Tiger said...

how inspiring!!! it makes me feel all mushy and happy!!

nice poem, i guess nice message too.. though the thought is not very promising. and dont tell me i should accept reality coz u know i dont!

Unknown said...

Renu it was very interesting to read ... curiously scrolling down wishing it will go on and on ...there was finally an end ..followed by other side of curiousity to ask you if there is

" no time to talk , without trying
to understand or care or give space , unequal ..." - then what is that so called as "love" , "affection" it came from where ??? infact no relation exists and it doesn't have to worry about lasting long / short ..or making up something.. so if at all there is a relation then your criteria's mathematically are "necessary and sufficient condition" before the proof.

interesting last two messages from you after "leaving the easy option - with a cup of tea " -hope
you now enjoy your teaching .

janaki_me said...

ranj, never accept 'reality', ur real self is going beyond the given 'reality'.

saravanan, thanks! what i wrote came out of asking the same question u pose.

Unknown said...

oki , but it sounds more like flaws in existing relation ..and i was thinking if at all there will be reality these come default..without error..but anyway i agree with you .

write more..

janaki_me said...

what i meant was this- i have been told is that love is irrational, it is unaffected by the nature of the relationship...i dont know that kind of love, i wonder, like you do, whether it really could be love. but even if i assume it does exist, i am not sure it is worthwhile.
i dont agree that there can never be the kind of love which is also a meaningful relationship...i dont like 'reality' arguments as u can see.

The Parish said...

hmmm! after all these years i see a mushy side of you . . . !

Unknown said...

Okay !! the last line is contradicting yourself ..moving on to find a house

janaki_me said...

saravanan, i cant understand ur comment at all...

Unknown said...

What i meant was this : You say u do not take " reality " but if you look at your own thoughts (ur comments, messages ) you end up wondering about things in reality ( not sticking to your point )... so when i said contradicting it is

You Vs You = you attack yourself which is good but then end up counter attacking the same

janaki_me said...

there is a difference between discussing and describing reality (things as they are)and accepting it as inevitable, as something which cannot be changed ever.
i must be writing very badly if this difference doesnt come across.