Wednesday, January 10, 2007

each not to her own

‘Have you got engaged?’ A student asks me as the class adjusts to seeing me in a saree. The expressions on their faces showed that whether they agreed with this possibility or not, they were all looking for an explanation. They did not look convinced when I said I liked wearing it, but nodded as I proceeded to explain I usually don’t find the time required. That they could comprehend, but still the fact that I had not come up with a reasonable explanation showed in the incredulity in their faces.

This reaction coincides with the other response I invariably get every time people gather I live alone and their next question is what I do for food. “I cook’ I answer, a little proudly of course, but also as a matter of course. Instead I am asked - Really? Don’t u find it boring? Isn’t it tedious? Why don’t u have a tiffin system? Aren’t hostels better just for this reason?

Would these people have the same reaction if I was married and had a ‘family’. If I wear a saree, even if occasionally, I guess would not provoke any big reaction but more so, cooking would be something I would be assumed to be doing. The image of the mother comes to mind- the woman so admired because she is so selfless. Mother’s food is always for others.

So is there a problem in doing something for myself. Dressing up just because I feel like it. Not for anyone. Not on any occasion. And cooking for myself. Because I like to eat good home cooked food too. And can make it even though I have not, in popular terms, made a home as yet.


Anonymous said...

Is your home cooked food really good? great that you are not married so your cooking skills will not be derisively mentioned and people will not feel sorry for your husband

Eye of Tiger said...

its hard to imagine why a person would go to the trouble of cooking for just one person.. but then i hate cooking and have not been starved of home cooked food!!

The Parish said...

you will rock anyhow sweetie! in a saree. and in the kitchen. just smile and ignore the ignormouses (i hope i spelled that right!)

janaki_me said...

tiger- in that case why is it that one person shd take the trouble of cooking for all others all the time?